Hey mom!
I'm super genki as always.
No problems back here. I'm going to study for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test tonight with my British buddy Simon.
That's awesome that James gets to see Laura in Germany. Just one more family member traveling to foreign countries without me ;)
It's funny, Kathy sent me an email about the same thing, on the same day as you. But I also sent her a thank you card for my birthday present so I guess it was just coincidence.
The new prime minister is....hmm, questionable. Time will tell if he's any good, but either way, I'm very proud that the leaders in this country pay attention to public opinion and step down when nobody likes them. In that respect America is closer to an African dictatorship than true democracy.
This month I also bought a new computer that is big and strong and does everything.
I also bought James his birthday present today. I know it's early, but I want him to get it this month while I still know his address. He can open it as soon as it gets there. I've addressed it so he'll know it's from me. Oh, and lastly, my friends Tim and Yuko got married and it is the first time I've been invited to participate in a wedding! It was super fun and we did a lot of traditional Japanese things, despite the style of the wedding being "Catholic". Very expensive, but an awesome time. You can see pictures here:
I'm going to post this letter on my blog too just cuz I haven't updated it in forever.
Bye for now!
awwww cutecutecutecute!