My New Year's Resolutions:
-find a new home (country)
-find a new job
-visit at least 3 new countries
-start studying German again
-continue to work out/シェップアップ my 上半身 (in the words of Jack Black "rock-hard abs, washboard-style!")
-get my shoulder done (tattoo)
-break 200 at bowling
-be myself more often
-start a comic strip
-make a stand-up comedy routine
-stop laughing at my own jokes
-cut done on on saying え~と~ and laughing nervously after saying something in Japanese that isn't funny.
-try other less than legal/taboo things I can't write here
-eat more animals
-learn a new skill or 5
-stop telling other people what to do
-let other people be wrong/make their own mistakes
-stop laughing at my own jokes
返信削除i love this!!