水曜日, 3月 02, 2011

Givin' Me Something to Blog About

yeah, so...
I've been going on some epic rants but only because so much has happened last month, for the shortest month of the year, it sure was crazy busy!
Most importantly, I now have a girlfriend!

I wasn't sure how to type about her in a way that wouldn't sound braggy or like I'm objectifying her, but my friend Hozumi asked me to describe her (via online chat), and this is pretty much all taken from that conversation (ありがとうズミ).
Her name is Wendy. We're both 5th years on the JET Programme, but it took us until this year to start hanging out! We crossed paths like 4 times since I became a Prefectural Adviser (PA) as part of my CIR duties, but for whatever reason I was always spreading myself too thin and never got to really know her until we had lunch together last October at a work conference.
She lives in Ehime, which is kinda far, but she's worth it because she is SO the girl for me!
Why? Well, for example, every nerdy thing I have never talked to girls about (at least successfully or enjoyably) SHE knows all about! She even quoted YODA to me...*YODA*!!!

SO, we finally started dating when I invited her out for snowboarding, and we decided we wanted to go on another, but were busy in February, so we actually set a date for mid-MARCH!
Luckily, after spending the weekend together and talking over Skype nearly every night, we couldn't wait and she was able to stop by for an official date (I got her a rose and took her to dinner, purikura, etc.) on her way back from yet another conference. 
This is PURIKURA (short for Print Club)
The next morning I had to ask “So how many more dates do we need before you're my girlfriend?” to which she replied “You just have to ask”. So I took her rose away from her and holding it for her ransom, asked her “Would you be my girlfriend?” And the rest, as Wendy says, is history. ^^

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